Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hello July

Hello Everyone,

Well its July already. This year is flying by so fast. 

I know its been awhile. I almost gave up on this blog. I'm wondering who sees it. Am I engaging anyone?? 

So my dad and I moved. My dad wanted to downsize so we are no living in a Condo. It was a hectic and stressful move. But we made it!!! Phew.

My dad decided to rent instead of buying. Place is cute. Two bedroom, two bath..small (and I do mean small) kitchen. But manageable. Its in a 55+ community. Very quiet..That's OK. My dad and I are quiet people. 

After a almost 4 year absence I am going back to school full time in the fall. I applied for and received financial aid. I really didn't want to apply for aid. Did I really want that debt at my age?? But i said if I want to finish school, then yes I need to apply. Was inevitable. But happy and excited. 

Still not working. But now that we have moved I am going to start looking more seriously. 

Monday is my birthday. I cant believe I will be 57. Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday I was just 18. Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Oh, and I started a YouTube channel. "Live Your Life Like Its Chocolate" What else right? Go check it out. Please like and subscribe and hit the bell to get notifications when I post a video. 

Well that's if for now. See ya soon..


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hello, Its Been Awhile

Hello Everyone..

I'm back to my blog. I wasn't sure I wanted to write anymore only because I am just not great at writing. But after much consideration, yes I have decided to continue writing. 

So lets see what has been happening in my life lately. Not a lot to be honest. My dad decided to give up driving and sold his car. He just gets too tired from the former blood clots. So we are down to one car now. I do most of the shopping. My dad still will drive himself to the doctor, but that's about it. 

Also, I am officially registered for school again. I have not been in school for while. And I am excited to get back to it. I also broke down and applied for Financial Aid. I do not know how much aid I will get. But I registered anyway. 

Still have not found part time work. Its so frustrating. But I am still hopeful. I am probably going to be giving up my painting. I have not been very profitable. I have sold a few pieces. But nothing since about a month ago. I sold some Christmas ornaments. It is what it is. Don't get me wrong I love it and I am very good at it. But that's not going to sell paintings. 

I am doing a vlog on YouTube for Live Your Life Like Its Chocolate now. Its just about my life and trying to live a positive life. That is how I want my life to be--happy and positive. No negativity for this gal anymore. It only brings you down. 

Ive been too much living in fear of my own shadow and fear of offending people, fear of disappointing people and not living my own life for me. That stops NOW!! And I am done with fake friends and non existent friends. Friendship is a two way street with me. If you cant meet me half way, then it is time for me to go. I don't do one sided friendships, never have never will. 

As I said on Facebook the other day. I am doing to live my life for ME and if no one likes, well do damn bad. 

The reason I started this blog in the first place was to live a good life, a happy life and be more positive. I haven't been doing much of that in the past and its time for a change. 

Thanks for reading..

Until next time..


Thursday, September 13, 2018


Hello Friends,

I know its been awhile since I have written. To be honest, I wasn't sure I could continue to write my blog. I didn't think I had the writing ability that would make people want to view it and enjoy it. But here I sit, back at it. 

Lets see what has happened since I last wrote to you. My Spinal Stenosis has gotten worse. Do you know I fell a few days ago. My foot just gave out and down I went. I am grateful I didn't hurt myself. Just a bruise on my leg and a sore arm. I have been unsteady on my feet a few times, but nothing to make me fall. Its a scary feeling knowing that you might fall at any given moment. 

I have started back to my walking. I am only walking for a few short minutes right now. But I am hoping to get back to walking, at least 20-30 minutes 5-6 days a week. I need it. Walking is good for the soul.

I am walking for my health, to lose weight and to help me when I go back to school in January. I need to be able to walk at least 15 minutes to my class from wherever I park. Right now, I cant do that and I get out of breath and I sweat terribly. 

I have also started my weight loss journey again. I have got to lose this weight. I cant stand it anymore. I don't feel healthy and I don't feel good about myself. And if I don't feel good about myself, how is anyone else going to feel good about me. 

I am excited for school. I will register in November. This is the first time in a long time that I am looking forward to another semester. I am excited more so, because I know I want to achieve my goal of graduating college. And I am determined to finish. Its been my dream for a long time. I will tell you a story about why I am so excited in my next blog. Its kind of long here. 

I am in love with my painting I am doing. I am not selling so much. But that's OK. Maybe one day it will take off. I have a YouTube channel for it.."Libby's Pouring Art'. Go check it out. (FYI, the name may change. When it does I will let you all know in my blog). Ive also created another YouTube channel for my school and weight loss journey. Its called Estelle's Excellent Adventures. I'm not sure of the name, what do you all think?? It hasn't launched yet. I will let you know when it does. 

I am excited for this new journey in my life. I have a couple of good friends. I have the air in my lungs. I am grateful to God for giving me another day to create a wonderful and happy life for myself. Its time...

See you next time friends. 

Remember to Live Your Your Life Like Its Chocolate..


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Another Weekend Gone

Here is another weekend come and gone. They go by so fast, don't they. One minute its Friday and then you blink and poof its Sunday evening.

I started my painting. I'm in love with it. I have so much to learn. I'm going to have to keep practicing to get the technique down. But I'm excited for this new thing in my life. 

Had my tarot cards read yesterday. Main theme was to put certain things behind me and move forward. Its going to be baby steps. I have to get over my feelings for someone and right now, I don't want to let him go. But for my own self I must. Especially since we are no longer friends. 

Painting and school and making new friends will be my life. I want to live a happy and fulfilled life. I don't think that is too much to ask, right? That's why I started this blog. I want to live my life like its chocolate..happy, fulfilled, sweet, tastes good and for that brief moment you forget about all your stresses and worries in life. 

So live your life like its chocolate, today and everyday..

Until next time. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Happy Thursday

Happy Thursday..

I know its already the evening time. But I wanted to get on here and write a little something for today. 

I went and sold some gold jewelry today. I got $481.00. Next week I start selling off some of my moms antiques. I will keep a few things. I don't want to have to do it. But it is necessary. My dad wants to move out of our house. I don't really. But I have no choice, I have no money right now and I don't want him to be alone with his health issues. 

With this money I got today, I can register for an online Excel class. I don't know this particular program very well. And it hinders my job search, not having updated computer and application skills. 

I want to go get some paint supplies and start my art. I will do that this weekend. Start small. I cant wait to create something. 

That's it for today. Until next time. 

Remember live your life like its chocolate..

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Another Day

Well, its another day. Got up. Had breakfast. Watched my favorite you tuber Daze With Jordan The Lion. Love his vlogs. He inspires me. 

Went grocery shopping for my dad. Now sitting here writing my blog. 

Thinking of all the things I want to do, need to do to make my life happy and fulfilling. 

I restarted my healthy eating again. I am bound and determined to lose this weight once and for all. Its weighing heavy on my mental state (no pun intended). And it contributes to the pain in my back from my Spinal Stenosis. It will be a slow and steady process. But I am so happy I finally gotten this part of my journey restarted. 

As I stated yesterday I am thinking of starting a vlog myself. Not sure if I want to do a travel vlog or a vlog of my daily life and putting it out there about my weight loss journey. I feel like that will keep me on track. If I put it out there, then I can be accountable in my weight loss. Not sure if anyone would be interested in watching me talk. lol But you never know. 
Ive also started my job search. That's another issue. 

You know what they say "Rome wasn't built in a day." And I have to remember that will all the things I want to accomplish. I need patience and time. 

Thank you for visiting today. Until next time friends...

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Today Is A New Day

So today is a new day...

I applied for disability a few months ago due to my Spinal Stenosis. Yesterday I got the notice of my denial. At first, I was "ok well I guess God has a different plan for me". This morning I woke up sad, stressed and afraid of what is going to happen. And I cried.  They based my denial on a job I held 9 years ago. 

But now, I'm like, maybe this a blessing in disguise for me. Prior to this, all I did was lay in bed and watch TV or play games on my cell phone. My life didn't exist. I have sat here thinking is that the life I really want for myself. The answer is NO! 

So now after shaking off my sadness and despair I have made some decisions. I am going to try and go back to work. I have to admit I am scared. I have only had one official job in the past job in the past 9 years. I don't know how long it will take me. But my goal is to work part time and finish my college education. 

This blog will continue. But I also want to start a vlog, as well. The vlog will be different. Maybe a travel vlog. What do you think?

The only thing I know today, at this very minute is that my life has new meaning. It has this new meaning because that is the direction I want it to take. No matter the pain. I need to live the best life I can for the remaining years I have left. To make it count. 

Until next time..